Your role? Indispensable! Together we give consumer electronics a new life and reduce e-waste. At Janado we combine technology and sustainability into a passionate mission.
We are Janado
Why you will love Janado
What we stand for
Don't be shy - say hi!
No suitable position found? Apply anyway! We love discovering new talent who want to share our mission.
Application sent - now what?
Has one of our job offers aroused your interest? Then apply directly using our form. Your application package should contain your CV and relevant evidence. Write to? Way too complicated. Choose the format that suits you best. Sounds easy, right? It is. We check every application carefully and give you feedback as quickly as possible. We often do this via a quick phone call.
Job Interview
If we were impressed by your application, we look forward to getting to know you in person. This can be a short phone call or a detailed conversation in our office or via video call. We don't have any rigid rounds of questioning. We speak at eye level and let the conversation flow authentically. And remember: it's not just us who make a decision, but you too.
Meet the Team
Depending on the position advertised, we will get to know you more deeply in a further conversation. Here you also have the opportunity to get to know our team better – perhaps on a trial day? This gives you and us the chance to feel the vibe and see if everything really fits. Genuineness and authenticity are our top priority.
Part of the crew
If everything is consistent and both sides feel good, then the signing takes place. We will prepare your employment contract for you and then all that is left is: Welcome to the Janado Crew!